Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Printmaking Workshop

Hello! I have a snow day here in CT, so I thought I'd post some prints I did in my workshop that I taught on Sunday for the Stonington Printmaker's Society. I explained how reduction cuts work, such as linoleum and soft- rubber cuts. We focused on using e-z cut printmaking blocks and water soluble ink. I think everyone did great work! I hope everyone enjoyed learning about this technique! I had fun teaching.

I made a few prints myself as well. I did a rainbow-roll first with minimal cuts and then did more cutting and printing. I think what is so interesting about these prints (aside from the fact that they are not my usual style, being so abstract) is that they look cool at all different angles! Decide for yourself which orientation you like better!

"The River & the Bridge" 2013. Soft-rubber cut print.

"The Lake and the Sky" 2013. Soft-rubber cut print.

EDIT: Funny story, due to a mishap at a show, this work has been renamed "Luminescence."

Sunday, December 1, 2013

New Pastel

"The Marsh" 2013. Soft pastels.

A work in progress.

And just because, here is an adorable picture of my dog, Chase. :)