Friday, May 17, 2013

Stonington Printmakers Society

In more exciting art news- I have joined the Stonington Printmakers Society! I'm hoping to be a part of their group exhibits locally in southeastern CT and to have more opportunities to do more printmaking! I studied printmaking at Smith College for a few semesters, so I would love to learn more about the many varied processes of printmaking.

I have my own page on the Stonington Printmakers Society's website- Check it out!

Here is a link to the home page of the Stonington Printmakers Society.

Mystic Art Center- Student-Teacher Showcase

Two of my pastels were shown at Mystic Art Center Thursday night at the Opening Reception of the 57th Regional Show. My works were in the Student-Teacher Showcase. Here are some photos!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Exhibiting Now!

I'm exhibiting twice this week! I'm exhibiting all week at the nursing home where my clients volunteer, Pendleton Health and Rehabilitation Nursing Home, in Mystic, CT for National Nursing Home Appreciation Week! My art is in the recreation room.

The second exhibit is tomorrow night- Thursday May 16th from 5:30- 7 pm at the Mystic Art Center for the Student- Teacher Showcase. It is at the same time as the opening reception for the 57th Regional Show. I will take pictures!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

New Pastel Painting

Deliberating over whether to call this "Pears on Fire" or "Electric Pears." I would love to hear what you think! Leave me a comment giving your opinion!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! I had to work all day, but it wasn't bad. Went with my client to volunteer most of today at Kitty Harbor, a no-kill cat shelter in Griswold, CT. Here is a picture of what it looked like outside today. I thought it almost looked like Vermont, but no, there's country in Connecticut too!