I was looking through some old photos and found some of my stone lithography "Sailboat with Buoy" of the lithography crayon still on the stone. According to my professor of Offset Printmaking II, the only stones you can do printmaking on are Bavarian Limestones, and Smith College is lucky enough to have a collection of them! In order for me to do the second color, I had to literally grind away the whole picture and redraw just what I wanted in red, it had to line up exactly, and then I used red ink to print on top of the litho crayon. If you notice, the picture is in reverse of how it printed. Below is the result. Enjoy!
"Sailboat with Buoy" 2011. Stone lithography.
This print is currently on display at Slater Memorial Museum in Norwich, CT as part of the Stonington Printmaker's Society's juried show "Journey: Processes in Print." Go check it out! It's up until August 18, 2013.